Jason in a Nutshell

All about programming and whatever else comes to mind

Finding a user’s group membership in Active Directory using Python

Posted by Jason Baker on March 17, 2009

I spent some time trying to figure out what the best way is to determine group membership in Active Directory using Python.  The solution is almost embarassingly easy, but can be difficult to find for someone who’s not familiar with win32 programming.  To make matters worse, google is almost totally unhelpful for this.  So here’s the solution:

import win32net
win32net.NetUserGetGroups('domain_name.com', 'username')


To do this, you’ll need pywin32 and a windows computer.  Calling win32net’s NetUserGetGroups function will return a list of tuples.  Each tuple will contain the group name as element 0 and an attributes flag as element 1.  Don’t ask me to elaborate any more on the attributes flag because I can’t.  🙂

One Response to “Finding a user’s group membership in Active Directory using Python”

  1. hello from your redundant clone, jason m baker, age 27, software developer in austin texas.

    googling my name led to this blog you write. it is a small world, eh?

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